About My Work with Young Adults
Transition to adulthood for many is a time of celebration; for others it is a major struggle full of difficult hurdles. You may find that you are technically an adult but still figuring out the whole process of "adulting." Life in our modern world is more complicated than ever. College and rent more expensive, social media (and the comparisons that come with it) more pervasive, drugs more accessible, and the state of the world (and the constant updates about it) overwhelming. I work frequently with clients between the ages of 18-29 who are in the midst of sorting through some of life's most difficult questions. Who am I? What am I passionate about? What career do I want to pursue? What direction do I want to take? Many of the clients I see in this age range have had a number of stressors, traumas, and/or losses that have made this life transition especially difficult- clients who have been to hospitals or treatment centers, suffered from a friend or family member's death, been sexually assaulted, or struggled with their parent's divorce. It should come as no surprise that most of my clients within this age range also struggle with substance abuse. It makes sense to want to numb emotions, particularly when you do not have a clear path forward. That's where I come in. I help my clients develop a path forward that makes sense for them. I help my clients identify and break down the barriers that exist to pursuing their interests and assist them in learning how to support themselves emotionally, academically, and financially. I assist them in processing past losses, traumas, and stressors that are compounding an already difficult part of life - the transition from the teenage years to an independent, successful adulthood. Contact me today for a free phone consultation if you'd like to talk more about yourself (or you child in this age range) to see if I would be a good fit for your needs.